Delia Tramontina

LIFE + ART (3 poems)


This pink building

would be “quaint” in the US

where I have shiny streusel

from a polyglot bartender

doing metric system math

as an iconoclast

I respond to spam

with a feathery slurry voice

an upright psychobilly bass

There is no minimum age

Irishman in a kilt

I eye-fuck with the best of them

but I’m afraid to look to

assume a therapist position

knows I’ll be okay

even on a bad Friday

this artist keeps painting

images of men conceiving

six artful stories

womb envy

should make a better Friday

the art sprawls

when all I want is closure

with no metric system


rinses out

my gunk skull with

words I’ll fill it

back up with

replacement women

made from household

items at 7pm Friday

end with wine-hate

calls from San Francisco

concerned I’m still hungry

in the pub where locals game

and I write and drink

to clean myself out


I like museums with

biographical videos

for Communism on display

is a large German

blocking my view

Don’t ask me to read

narrow religious content for

passive resistance

I do not set myself on fire

in a velvet revolution

A silver fox

forms a parade militia

but gets lost on the way

from serfdom to abolition

some people want

to take up more body space but

with painter

from the neighborhood

drinking Morovian wine


To avoid whiney museum baby

folded compact

naked bodies pile on naked


translates the art plaques

for political reasons

all religious art

scaffolds morality

Pizza in centimeters

I do math to eat

rebel and

have a protectionist outlook

to back a girlfriend against the wall

in the palace

the horse hung upside down

like art so to speak

disturbing photographs of what

to make of a body inflamed

I stack

museums to learn

Jesus self-exonerates

to avoid a whiney baby

in Prague

the stain a body leaves

the politics of fire

I’ll collect sites

yet man knows

by cat-calling the English

girl backed against a wall

These disturbing photos

I cannot translate

Body becomes pyre

horse becomes submissive

goth boy becomes horse

if I leave a stain

this is not a soul

splattered from great heights to

smear and dry my bloody innards


like vulgar entrails

because women cut me open

in a hamster habitat

among the penis trees

Little Red Riding Hood

plays with my guts

for a prize unicorn

to open my brain umbrellas

all coquettish

in the over-filtered city

all dark and charming

melty heads

Cubism for answers

The death gasp

to get the gunk out

Little Red Rider begets

hairy babies by

fucking wolves and

beauty throats

This eye-fuck impunity

exhibits suicidal dogs

with guns in their mouths

for better acoustics

in my innard

pukes therapy

yoga pants for

hunger and

with enough religion

creating six stories of

toke toke toke

conception so pink

I’m sheepish enough to

drink double tragic

where vulgar green fingers

play with my guts

to quit cigarettes

like adolescent crutches

with abstract art


the sweet occupied

do gymnastics

so the terrified blue child

marries his great love

in a disgruntled fruit tree

the yellow child with

questionable conduct

for an art gallery

when failure is ugly

my heart is cadmium fear

applying a mild headlock

preparing for prophecy

with a past that’s blue

while citizens riot

the wordy and opinionated canvasses

never destroy melody

I fear eviction

and potential shoplifters

so I walk in circles


ride a snail vespa

to be more than you void

wells of human

bodies stain in morse code

that burn ghostwriters

Sheepish Jesus sells

drills and chisels

an impossible toy

congeals like blood map

bodies deader than a smudge

salutes monopoly trades

as if dropped and splattered

on our favorite Rorschach

to snuff out

like S&M the stain I leave

takes on the bitter

main ingredient

in order to leave ashes

schools teach


through a meat grinder

that stains strategically

snuffed like a bad Venice

congealed to reveal


that strum a bravo

to make meat of a woman

whose impossibly toying

prospers in the body village

of death ingredients

organized the corpses politically

confused prosperity for a cinematic

Rorschach test to make sullen

the Void Suitor

before morse code divination

for your snuff hammer

parents let the baby

in all three dimensions